Are Double Barrel Wood Stoves Illegal

Many people ask me if double barrel wood stoves are illegal. In short, no, double barrel stoves are not illegal to use. This question of legality comes from the implementation of government regulations with regards to emission standards. You can review those rules here at EPA for US wood stove standards. Manufacturers do not design … Read more

Ideas for Double Barrel Wood Stove Designs

There are a few different ways a double barrel stove can be assembled. If well designed, a double barrel stove can take center stage in any setting and be a conversation piece. Here are a few designs, with a couple of high efficiency double barrel wood stoves converted to operate as double barrel smokers. So … Read more

How to make a barrel stove more efficient – 4 simple tips

Make a better double barrel wood stove

Barrel stoves are a cheap option for heating a workshop, garage, or greenhouse. But if you are using a barrel stove often you’ll want to ensure you are not wasting energy and money. Thankfully making a barrel stove more efficient is easy with a few simple tricks. Tip # 1. Add a second barrel as … Read more

How does a double barrel wood stove work to produce more heat

efficient double barrel stoves

A double barrel wood stove produces more heat than a single barrel stove. The first (lower) barrel containing the burning wood. The second (higher) barrel is placed in line with the flue and contain tubes that get heated by the rising smoke. The heated tubes become warm and act as both an extra heat mass … Read more